Inbox: Eliot Lipp
Sure, we’re always curious to know about an artist’s upcoming release, most recent tour, or […]

Inbox: Eliot Lipp
Sure, we’re always curious to know about an artist’s upcoming release, most recent tour, or […]

Sure, we’re always curious to know about an artist’s upcoming release, most recent tour, or arsenal of analog gear, but XLR8R‘s also got a curiosity for quirk. Thus, each week, we email a different artist and find out what makes them tick, in the studio and in life. Today, wobble-hop master and Old Tacoma Records founder Eliot Lipp gives us the scoop on Tacoma punk bands, his fear of horror movies, and his jump-kicking skills.
What are you listening to right now?
The new Telefone Tel Aviv. It’s on repeat over here.
What band did you want to be in when you were 15?
There was a punk band in Tacoma called Yolk Fellaz. They were the coolest dudes in the city by far. I used to try dress like them and everything. I eventually started a band with some of the members (playing drums). We did some shows and cut a demo, but then the bass player ran away to China with the singer’s girlfriend and we broke up. : (
Worst live show experience?
I played an after-party in Charleston, SC one night. I was tag-teaming with John Roberts at an ex-Black Panthers hangout. Some drunk girl was dancing on the bar and kicked over a full pint of beer right on John’s laptop. When I looked over at his screen it turned all 8-bit for a second and then just flickered out. It was a very sad night.
Favorite city to play in?
Chicago. I love the crowds there, everyone dances, and they are all music nerds, so you can play obscure stuff and they will still get down. My friend Gianna throws a party every year called Sprung and it always goes off. It’s pretty much everything I love about Chicago in one party.
What was your motivation to start Old Tacoma Records?
I have tons of awesome material from friends in Tacoma and artists I’ve met along the way, and I just really wanna get it out there. And because the music industry is such a gold-mine right now (j/k).
What is your favorite thing you own?
My bed. I’ve slept in it twice in the last two months.
Name one item of clothing you can’t live without.
I have an Adidas jacket that I bought at a swap meet in Rome. My friends have been trying to steal it from me for almost 10 years now.
What’s scarier: spiders, horror movies, or clowns?
Sometimes horror movies scare me pretty bad. The Decent scared me.
What did you always get in trouble for when you were little?
In middle school I was told at least daily that I was “doing too much.” I was pretty hyperactive and the Ritalin didn’t help much.
What other artist would you most like to work with?
DJ Quik! I want to get him and MC Eiht on a track. Maybe they would squash the beef just for a day.
What’s the last thing you read?
New York Trilogy by Paul Auster.
Complete this sentence: In the future…
You mean like after December 21, 2012?
Stupidest thing you’ve done in the last 12 months?
I tried to impress some ladies the other night by showing off my jump-kicking skills and I ended up falling on my ass. I pulled off a couple ninja moves nicely at first and then I went for a big leap off a newspaper box and it was all bad.
MP3: “The Area”