Inbox: Oneida
This week, XLR8R’s Inbox tunes in to Brooklyn-based psychedelic rock outfit Oneida. Frontman Kid Millions […]

Inbox: Oneida
This week, XLR8R’s Inbox tunes in to Brooklyn-based psychedelic rock outfit Oneida. Frontman Kid Millions […]

This week, XLR8R’s Inbox tunes in to Brooklyn-based psychedelic rock outfit Oneida. Frontman Kid Millions takes us on a journey to abandoned nightclubs-cum-flophouses, The Royal Exile’s Cricket Club, lame shows in Memphis, TN, and awesome shows in Marina di Ravenna, Italy. Oneida’s tenth full-length, Rated O, is out now on Jagjaguwar.
XLR8R: What are you listening to right now?
Kid Millions: Be/Non‘s Mountain of Yeses.
What’s the weirdest story you have ever heard about yourself?
That my co-workers are scared of me.
In what band did you want to be when you were 15?
Any band that would have me.
Worst live show experience?
I mean, even the worst ones are not the worst; if I’m alive and feeling great about life right now then whatevs—I’m alright. But let’s see… Probably the worst was in Memphis on our first tour. The opening band (I won’t name names) was a terrible jazz-style outfit that played for 45 minutes, then put their set on pause, and went out to pick up their singer, whose car had broken down. We were expected to wait 45 minutes while they returned to the club to play another 40 minutes of the lamest music around to a club that was completely empty, save for the promoter, the bartender, and Oneida. After they were finished, the leader of the group approached me to tell me that he had to work in the morning so he would be going home. Two people out of the seven-piece band stayed for our set. The promoter told us we didn’t have to play if we didn’t want to. But, by God, we played! I guess in a way we turned that terrible show into a triumph because of that.
Favorite city in which to play?
Pittsburgh, PA and Marina di Ravenna, Italy.
What is The Royal Exile’s Cricket Club?
It’s a faded sign on Fulton Street between Vanderbilt and Clinton—or, at least, it was in 1997, when we were rehearsing in the building across the street. We played in an abandoned nightclub for a couple of years until the building was converted into a flophouse.
What is your favorite thing that you own?
Probably my collection of signatures from 77 Boadrum. I have all the performing drummers’ signatures on a piece of paper somewhere. It’s an interesting artifact from an experience that could probably never be repeated.
Name one item of clothing you can’t live without.
I don’t feel this way about clothing. I would rather lose all my clothes in a fire; I try to get rid of them occasionally. But they seem to keep building up. I mean, “live without”? Nothing. There are no pieces of clothing that I couldn’t live without.
If you could reduce your music to a single word, what would it be?
It would stop being music.
For what did you always get in trouble when you were little?
I never got busted masturbating.
With which other artist would you most like to work?
Broadcast—they need to come around to the truth.
What’s the last thing you read?
Black Postcards by Dean Wareham.
Complete this sentence: In the future…
I will die wonderfully fulfilled.
Stupidest thing you’ve done in the last 12 months?
Not trying to learn a foreign language—take your pick: Japanese, Italian, Catalan.
What’s next?
I’m really excited about playing more with Oneida and The Boredoms. That’s really it: I can’t wait to play more music with those people.