Doshy “Chip”
There’s a new batch of intergalactic bass tunes on the way from German cosmonaut Doshy, […]

There’s a new batch of intergalactic bass tunes on the way from German cosmonaut Doshy, in the form of his soon-to-be-released Scatter EP (that’s the cover up top). Lasers, phasers, tasers, and just about all other kinds of conceivable space noise are heaped onto the Berliner’s crunchy beats and skittering 8-bit bleeps; it sounds more or less like if Mario moved to Mars to start a career producing hip-hop—NES nerds will undoubtedly spot the frequent usage of his classic fireball sound byte. In fact, “Chip” has so many layers of sound effects surrounding its swaggering beat work that the track requires a number of listens before each little noise can be uncovered. Catch the rest of Doshy’s 6-song EP when it drops on September 3 via Robox Neotech.