River of Slime “Volume One (S-Type Remix)”
How one turns a 17-minute MPC free-jam into a skittering club tune that clocks in […]

How one turns a 17-minute MPC free-jam into a skittering club tune that clocks in under three minutes is somewhat beyond us. Nonetheless, that’s exactly what Glasgow’s S-Type did with “Volume One” by Edinburgh producer River of Slime. Laying down the flitty jumble of samples that makes up of most of the original track as his base, S-Type layers bouncing 808 rhythms, oversized sub-bass tones, and hyped-up synth melodies over the top—making for a version of “Volume One” that’s hardly recognizable. You can grab the rest of this record, with other remixes from Paranoise and Scatabrainz (check those out here), when it drops on June 27 from Phuturelabs’ website.