Flosstradamus & DJ Sliink “Test Me”
Sampling as an art form is often overlooked in lieu of more prominent parts to […]

Sampling as an art form is often overlooked in lieu of more prominent parts to a song, such as a lead synth or the beat. But the right sample in the wrong hands can prove to be staid or even disastrous, and even a poorly ripped sample or phrase utilized by a smoother touch can fall short. “Test Me,” a new jam from Flosstradamus (pictured above) and Jersey native DJ Sliink (one of our Bubblin’ Up producers), thankfully knows how to work its central motif by battering the sample into submission with rushes of chrome-tipped hi-hats, gut-rumbling 808s, and an adroit sense of dancefloor pacing that dips, weaves, and cuts at just the right spots. The vocal snippets are left to drip and ooze into the crevices of the beat, emerging around the midway mark for a full-throated beckoning that will whip even the most skeptical party into an absolute frenzy. “Test Me” is off of Flosstradamus & DJ Sliink’s forthcoming new EP, called Nomads, which will be out via Fool’s Gold in the coming months.