Remix Major Lazer!
It’s contest time again folks, and Diplo and Switch, of the Major Lazer squad, have […]

It’s contest time again folks, and Diplo and Switch, of the Major Lazer squad, have got quite the trophy prize polished up for the victor. The two are offering their fans the opportunity to remix some of that off-the-hook, tropical, lazer bass insanity that they’ve been shelling out as of late on their latest, Guns Don’t Kill People…Lazers Do, with one lucky winner snagging a grand prize of $500, a Serato SL2 system, and way more. In addition, contest entrants can also design their own album cover artwork using Major Lazer and his friends, so if your remix skills aren’t up to par these days, make sure you gear up for some that cut-and-paste action. Complete contest details can be found here.