FACT, LuckyMe, Numbers, Warp, and More Join the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Residents and visitors of Edinburgh, be forewarned, a wonderful event will soon be in your […]

Residents and visitors of Edinburgh, be forewarned, a wonderful event will soon be in your midst. The long-running Edinburgh Fringe Festival is ready to kick off another year of festivities in Scotland’s capital, and the fine folks at LuckyMe will be assisting in the celebratory proceedings for its third year. Along with a handful of other excellent music-related entities, like Warp, Numbers, and FACT, the Glasgow-based label will be providing the DJs and live acts to fully stock the soundsystem at Cabaret Voltaire with stellar dance tunes and next-level electronic music wizardry. Hudson Mohawke, The Blessings (pictured above), American Men, Jackmaster, Olivier Daysoul, and more will be featured at the event, which starts Friday, August 13. Get the full details at the Facebook event page, here, and check out the flier below. (via FACT)