A number of months back, we announced the re-launch of our Ask the Experts series, and invited you to get the answers to everything you could possibly have ever wanted to know from Gerd Janson; we then followed that up with sessions in the hot seat from Mathew Jonson and, most recently, DeWalta. We can now announce that September’s expert is Headless Horseman.

It’s hard to find too much information on Headless Horseman. In his own words, he likes to “keep his secrets under lock and key.” And a February 2016 email interview with RA—the single source of any information about the mysterious project—did little to enlighten those who read it: responding in flamboyant prose absent of much coherency, the artist discussed many things but was clearly averse to revealing anything about himself or the alias that first surfaced with a three-track white label in 2013.

It is partly for this reason that we’re so excited to have him in the seat as this month’s expert; after all, this column was designed to get our favorite artists talking on subjects that they might typically not do otherwise. But also there is the music: while Horseman’s profile is unlikely to ever drift too far from the shadows, his work—both his live set and productions—has been some of the most talked about in techno spheres ever since he followed up his 2014 debut performance at Berlin’s Atonal festival with a debut album last year.

The Horseman, he assures us, does not care to divulge upon the project much, but this is a rare chance to run your questions—on anything you like—by one of the most exciting techno artists of recent times. All questions should be sent to [email protected]; we’ll pass them along to Headless Horseman who will select his favorites, and at the end of the month, we’ll publish his answers.