Time flies when you’re having fun… and solving problems. Only a few weeks have passed since we first introduced Nick Hook as XLR8R‘s new advice guru, and his weekly column, Hi, Doctor Nick!, is already set to debut next week. Inquiries have been pouring in from readers, all of them keen to get their hands on Hook’s special brand of wisdom, but it’s not too late to send in a question of your own.

Remember, there are no boundaries with Doctor Nick (save for actual medical questions since he’s not really, you know, a doctor). He’s here to help and can tackle just about any topic. Music, gear, food, travel, DJ etiquette, partying, romance… the list goes on and on. The man will not rest until your problems have been solved; hell, the man doesn’t do a whole lot of resting, period.

Doctor Nick’s inbox is filling up fast, so send your questions to [email protected]. The answers will come, beginning next week.