A Few Things About Osborne
A few things you always wanted to know about Michigan’s favorite acid-ragga enthusiast, Osbourne. Osborne […]

A Few Things About Osborne
A few things you always wanted to know about Michigan’s favorite acid-ragga enthusiast, Osbourne. Osborne […]

A few things you always wanted to know about Michigan’s favorite acid-ragga enthusiast, Osbourne.
Osborne is a licensed pilot and airline mechanic.
“I think I must have first tried flying in ’92 in Japan because I distinctly remember Smart E’s ‘Sesame’s Treet’ being played at clubs all the time,” he says. “My grandpa started an aviation ground-support company long ago so he’d give me books on airplanes when I was little. I’m sure he had a lot to do with my interest in flying but I never could have realized it without my buddy Jason. Flying never gets old. It’s always a thrill, it’s always fun. I learn something new every time I’m around aircraft. Flying planes is like the sixth aspect of hip-hop no one knows about.”
Osborne loves Criterion Collection DVD sets.
“If I had to currently pick a favorite I’d say Louis Malles’ six-hour Phantom India (actually on the Criterion sublabel, Eclipse). I could watch that 24 hours a day. I love all of his documentaries, but that’s one I never tire of. Malle made the film with no specific subject in mind. They just traveled throughout India showing everyday life. The only Criterion movie I could think to do a score for would be Häxan. It’s from 1922, and is about the history of witchcraft. I think it would be nice to have the score all as digital noise and unsettling vocal bits.eYou know, never mind me doing it. Just watch that movie while playing the Whitehouse Cruise LP. It’s better than I could ever do.”
Osborne is an avid collector of NPR shows.
“This American Life is definitely my [all-time] favorite. I’ve always been interested in sociology and psychology and hearing first-hand accounts of day-to-day stories, no matter how mundane. This American Life seems like one huge 300-hour show (well, currently 354 to be exact…). The Moth is my current favorite show. It’s nothing but first-hand accounts of people telling stories. In fact, This American Life sometimes uses recordings from The Moth in their stories.”
Osborne is building a hovercraft.
“I like to experiment. I’m not really into making a track (or a hovercraft, for that matter) for the sake of the music or because people will hear it or to make money. I just enjoy the process of making it, how it evolves from nothing. The hovercraft is going slowly but surely. I’ve finally found two identical snowmobile engines to use for each fan. [As far as the plans], you can get a long way by acting like to know what you’re doing. Believe me, companies will send you schematics you thought no longer existed if you can word an email like an electrical engineer.”