Best of 2008: Holy Ghost
Hall & Oates fanatics Nick Millheiser and Alex Frankel, a.k.a. Holy Ghost, praise new disco, […]

Best of 2008: Holy Ghost
Hall & Oates fanatics Nick Millheiser and Alex Frankel, a.k.a. Holy Ghost, praise new disco, […]

Hall & Oates fanatics Nick Millheiser and Alex Frankel, a.k.a. Holy Ghost, praise new disco, and diss high-waisted jeans and Serato DJs.
Who was the best artist of 2008?
Tracy Morgan, or any of the cast of 30 Rock. Shit is funny.
Who was the worst artist of 2008?
Who’s the “I kissed a girl and I liked it?” girl? She blows. Gym Class Heroes, too.
What was your favorite album of 2008?
Hercules & Love Affair, S/T. Full disclosure: We know we’re not supposed to mention people in our “crew” but (1) We don’t know Andy that well, (2) We’re pretty clueless about new music, (3) This is pretty untouchable, and (4) Have you seen them live? Mr. Butler, Kim-Ann, Nomi, and that Antony fella write awesome jams and Tim “T. Diddy” Goldsworthy’s production is so good it’s silly. Okay, the last bit was a shameless shout to a good friend, but you can’t deny that Goldsworthy’s a clever cookie.
What was the worst music trend of 2008?
Opening Serato DJs playing bangers at 9 p.m. to an empty room. This bums us out for two reasons: First, nothing makes people feel more uncomfortable than walking into an desolate club with slamming, overcompressed, distorted dance music. Second, we play sissy, unquantized disco music so having to segue out of peak-hour jams can be a bitch. Remember, a good DJ set is about peaks and valleys. Take ’em on a journey…
What was your favorite 12″ single of 2008?
Todd Terje “I Want Your Love (Hello Kenny Edit).” With everyone and their mother shitting out crappy edits of classic songs that don’t need it, Terje came through with an awe-inspiring rework of one of everybody’s favorite songs, paying homage to a Detroit classic in the process. Play this anytime, anywhere, and watch tears of joy stream down peoples’ faces. Magical.
What was the worst style trend of 2008?
This is pretty new, but what’s up with girls and the super high-waisted jeans? Actually, our friend Starrett and Nick’s sister Lilli wear them and look great, but they’re classy broads who would look great in Hammer pants and a football jersey. Everyone else, move on. Also, the Kanye sunglasses. Come on.
Best of 2008
Drop the Lime
Abe Vigoda
Bradford Cox
Andrew Jeffrey Wright
Cut Copy
Fucked Up
Vivian Girls
Matt Furie
dj/ Rupture
The Death Set
Holy Ghost
Plump DJs
Jose James
Worship Worthy
Peter Beste
Hercules and Love Affair
The Alchemist
DC Recordings