Casual Fridays: Gettin’ Glitzy!
Our resident stylist Andrew Porter waxes casual on men’s and women’s must-haves. ASOS dip-dye shirts […]

Casual Fridays: Gettin’ Glitzy!
Our resident stylist Andrew Porter waxes casual on men’s and women’s must-haves. ASOS dip-dye shirts […]

Our resident stylist Andrew Porter waxes casual on men’s and women’s must-haves.

ASOS dip-dye shirts
I’m really into dip-dyed t-shirts. Actually, I’m sort of into dip-dyed everything. Unfortunately, if you hit the town in a full-blown dip-dyed outfit, you’d look like a used-cellphone salesman. That’s not a look I’m promoting. However, a dip-dyed t-shirt on its own is something I can get behind. It’s the kind of thing I want to wear when I’m watching the sunset, drinking a Campari-based beverage, listening to “Barefoot in the Head” on a Balearic island 20 years ago. Not sure if anybody is going to feel me on that one, but that pretty much sums up what I dream about. These ASOS dip-dyed striped shirts sort of hit that vibe right on the head.

North Face Verto jacket
The North Face was really the tops when I was in high school. Unfortunately, post-1998, their product sort of went downhill with their crossover into more mainstream markets. The other day I decided to check out their website to see if there was anything new or interesting, and I came across these Verto jackets. They pack down to the “size of an energy bar” in their own front pocket and they’re water-resistant. Pretty handy to carry around during the summer should you find yourself caught in an afternoon shower. At first I was on the fence about the shiny body—kind of looks like a trash bag—but upon further thought, I’ve decided that I’m feeling it in a 1992 sort of way. Makes me wanna activ-8 and e-vapor-8.

Personalized jewelry
When I was 13 years old, I saw La Haine for the first time—life-changing experience. I thought Vincent Cassel’s character, “Vinz,” was just about the coolest. I was particularly envious of his two-finger name ring. Some 10 years later, I got a gigantic “Andrew” script ring made at the Fulton Street Mall. I loved it with all my heart until a crazy red-haired Brazilian girl commandeered it from me a few years ago. I’ve been meaning to get another one made ever since, but never felt like paying Fulton Street Mall prices. As per usual, the internet has the answer. Better Jewelry will make you a solid 14k plated script ring for $90. I’m sold. Might turn my finger green, but I can deal with that. I also recommend checking out the two-finger block name rings for $90—very Do the Right Thing.

LL Bean Signature Downeaster bag
I don’t know if you plan to travel anywhere this summer. I, myself, have huge travel plans. By which I mean, I plan to travel from home to work and back five to seven days a week. For those of you with real travel plans, such as romantic weekend getaways and the like, check out this L.L. Bean Signature duffel. The nautical print is perfect for trips to Maine, and it’s big enough to fit all your weekend essentials. Best of all, this jammer is on sale. Hello! Nothing like a Friday internet bargain.