XLR8R’s Best of 2012: Features
Each day, XLR8R is populated with all sorts of information, most of which can be […]

XLR8R’s Best of 2012: Features
Each day, XLR8R is populated with all sorts of information, most of which can be […]

Each day, XLR8R is populated with all sorts of information, most of which can be consumed fairly quickly. And though news stories, videos, and MP3 downloads are all essential parts of keeping tabs on the rapidly moving world of electronic music, that doesn’t mean we’ve lost our taste for long-form reporting. We make a point to dig deeper in our Features section, making sure to always provide a steady diet of artist interviews, scene profiles, studio visits, festival reviews, and more. The articles may vary in scope and tone, but they all offer something more substantial than a simple blog post. Not surprisingly, we have our favorites from the past 12 months, which is why we’ve put together a top 10 list. That said, we didn’t want our editorial staff to have the definitive final word, so we’ve also included a list of the year’s 10 most popular features. A few articles appear on both lists, but the results are actually quite different. Let’s just put it this way: the XLR8R audience really likes our In the Studio series.
10. High Five: Pinch
8. Holy Other: Underneath the Hood
7. In the Studio: Claude VonStroke
6. Sónar 2012: Winners and Losers
1. High Five: Squarepusher
2. In the Studio: Tycho
3. In the Studio: Machinedrum
4. In the Studio: Magda
5. In the Studio: Claude VonStroke
6. Sónar 2012: Winners and Losers
7. In the Studio: Nosaj Thing
8. Welcome to… Russia
9. Labels You Love
10. In the Studio: Teengirl Fantasy

XLR8R‘s Best of 2012 coverage will continue through the end of this week and all of next week, so check back each day for additional year-end round-ups. In the meantime, don’t forget to vote in our Readers Poll, and take a look at the other Best of 2012 pieces we’ve posted already:
XLR8R‘s Best of 2012: Top Downloads
XLR8R‘s Best of 2012: Podcasts