XLR8R’s Top 20 Downloads of March
Admittedly, we’re a bit late on posting the results of last month’s musical popularity contest […]

XLR8R’s Top 20 Downloads of March
Admittedly, we’re a bit late on posting the results of last month’s musical popularity contest […]

Admittedly, we’re a bit late on posting the results of last month’s musical popularity contest from the part of XLR8R lovingly called the Downloads section, but we figured our readers wouldn’t mind waiting an extra week to pour over the Top 20 list from March (especially after all of the fun we had at the beginning of April). With that in mind, we won’t delay things any longer. Follow the jump to check out what high-quality remixes and fresh original productions made it to the top of XLR8R‘s feed of freebies last month.
1. Lea Lea “Black or White (Goth-Trad Remix)”
2. Andrew Bayer “It’s Going to Be Fine”
3. Natasha Kmeto “Pleasure Delay (Jason Burns Remix)”
4. Amirali “I’ve Been Waiting”
5. Bondax “Gold (Wolf Cub’s Muscle Mix)”
6. Essáy “Lyla”
7. Zebra Katz “Sex Sellz (Teeth Remix VIP)”
8. Eloq “C’mon (Slugabed Remix)”
9. Mt. Wolf “Hypolight (Pále Remix)”
10. Pomrad “Pomslap”
11. Chicago Flotation Device “Untitled 6”
12. Adeline “What You Got (Tobia Coffa Remix)”
13. Computer Jay “Sundial Meltdown (feat. Gaslamp Killer)”
14. Friend Within “The Cause”
15. The Golden Boy “Do You”
16. Sango “On My Mind All the Time”
17. iO Sounds “Tough Luck (iO Sounds Refix)”
18. Raff vs. Bitman “Araña”
19. Marsman “Triangular (Julien Mier Remix)”
20. Cotton Claw “Climax”