Com Truise “Innerfacer”
Com Truise: still a horrible name, but, thankfully, a quality producer. Here, the recently signed […]

Com Truise: still a horrible name, but, thankfully, a quality producer. Here, the recently signed Ghostly artist shares a free download of a bonus track from his re-released Cyanide Sisters EP. “Innerfacer” is a bit more intense and more heavily indebted to sci-fi soundtracks than, say, the light-hearted synth-pop of his “Slow Peels” tune. A restless synth melody is surrounded by booming, motorik drum-machine beats and woozily floating space noise on the slow-grooving number; the song only strays from this basic recipe during a brief reprieve. Tunesmith Seth Haley is seemingly confident with the immediate catchiness of his bassline, the song’s sole hook, as every other sound he introduces feels like window dressing for its low-frequency core. We hope to hear more of these bedroom-born sounds when Com Truise drops his Ghostly debut—a love story between androids in the vein of Philip K. Dick, called Galactic Melt—in May.