Nicolas Jaar “Keep Me There”
Nicolas Jaar’s debut LP has been generating quite a lot of noise (or is it […]

Nicolas Jaar’s debut LP has been generating quite a lot of noise (or is it space?) lately. Between his excellent XLR8Rpodcast that he dropped on us back at the beginning of the month, and his debut LP, Space Is Only Noise (artwork above), being released to much critical acclaim (including our own) earlier this week, the 21-year-old Brown University student seems to be garnering quite a bit of buzz. If you’re still not convinced, we’ve got this slow-moving cut from his LP, in which giant claps, dubbed piano, pitched vocals, and, eventually, screeching saxophone bursts all make an appearance alongside Jaar’s trademark rich textures and luscious sonic space. Let’s hope it does the trick for anyone still skeptical of the hype. (via Pitchfork)