Mistakes Are OK “Koala (BNJMN Remix2)”
Barcelona’s Hivern Discs, a label piloted by mysterious producer John Talabot, is taking a unique […]

Barcelona’s Hivern Discs, a label piloted by mysterious producer John Talabot, is taking a unique approach to promoting its latest act, Mistakes Are OK. Before the producer drops a single track, Hivern has chosen to give his pending debut LP the remix treatment, releasing an EP with an impressive cast of characters that includes Kassem Mosse, Downliners Sekt, and BNJMN. BNJMN’s “Remix2” of “Koala,” featured here, is a second BNJMN rework that won’t appear on the EP, and the cut is a focused techno composition. Each aspect of its arrangement, from its mallet-like sampling to its springy bass, feels precise and calculated. The track weaves in and out of time as its components challenge one another rhythmically, engrossing the listener in a nearly eight-minute trance. It remains to be seen how much of its brilliance can be attributed to Mistakes Are OK’s production, but the remix sits alongside some of BNJMN’s best work.