Sofia Kourtesis “Fresia”
Sofia Kourtesis is a Berlin-based producer, DJ, and vocalist (amongst other things) who may be […]

Sofia Kourtesis is a Berlin-based producer, DJ, and vocalist (amongst other things) who may be more familiar to XLR8R readers than they think, having provided the vocals for Gold Panda’s “An English House” track from his excellent sophomore LP, Half of Where You Live, back in 2013. Since then, Kourtesis has continued to build up her chops as a solo producer, and is now set to issue her official debut EP, This Is It, later this month. Pulled from the record is “Fresia,” a melody swept affair that doesn’t land too far down the road from her collaboration with Gold Panda, making use of bouncing bells, sweeping synth lines, and an efficient rhythmic base across its four-minute run; there are even some retuned vocals and light atmospheric touches thrown in for good measure as well. Set to see an official release—alongside the rest of the forthcoming This Is It EP—via the Duchess Box label on February 28, Kourtesis’ “Fresia” production can be downloaded below.