AKWIUS ‘Space’
AKWIUS is a Minneapolis-based DJ-producer. He became interested in making music through hip-hop culture and having buddies around […]

AKWIUS is a Minneapolis-based DJ-producer. He became interested in making music through hip-hop culture and having buddies around that needed beats to rap over. Then, over time it has become a mission to upgrade and travel much deeper into the possibilities of emotion and the sound system. The current focus is to enforce vibes that may be enjoyed by everyone, are still deep enough for the serious heads, and experimental enough for the future.
Today, he’s offered up “Space,” as a free download, an ambient chill-out tune, built from a mix of guitar loops and electronics. The track title has a bit of a double meaning, referring to both travel through the final frontier and also the space between people whether it be a physical, emotional or time-based distance.