Com Truise “Brokendate”
Maybe Com Truise‘s New Jersey bedroom also serves as a time machine or transporter of […]

Maybe Com Truise‘s New Jersey bedroom also serves as a time machine or transporter of sorts to an alternate universe where the ’80s were less marked by Scarface-style mountains of cocaine and more by blunted synth explorations—but probably not. Still, the mystery remains as to how the Princeton-based designer/producer can tap into such a vivid world where harrowing Twin Peaks-esque synths can harmoniously exist alongside rich electro bass tones, über-compressed drum machines, and an unabashedly ’80s sheen. Perhaps the clues lie in his forthcoming LP, Galatic Melt (artwork above), from which this cut comes to us. After the scrambled intro sample, “Brokendate” unfolds into a mid-tempo chug that carries the track through a dense jungle of analog synths and bubbling arpeggios resulting in an intriguing slice from Com Truise’s debut album. Galactic Melt is available for purchase now in digital format, and will drop physically on July 5.