Rene Hell “E.S. Des Grauens In Fifths”
Late last month, we shared a song from Kosmiche experimentalists Mandelbrot & Skyy, one half […]

Late last month, we shared a song from Kosmiche experimentalists Mandelbrot & Skyy, one half of which is analog synth explorer Jeff Witscher (a.k.a. Rene Hell). The artist just recently dropped a brand-new LP, The Terminal Symphony, under his solo moniker, from which “E.S. Des Grauens In Fifths” is taken. The song wafts about comfortably on the more lighthearted side of Witscher’s compositional work; the myriad bubbling, arpeggiated electronic tones all evoke a feeling of wonder and majesty reminiscent of any number of fantasy cartoons we spent our childhoods obsessing over. There is a video for Rene Hell’s song, but it’s not quite what we imagine when we hear “E.S. Des Grauens In Fifths.” You can see it for yourself below. (Those prone to seizures: beware.) (via Altered Zones)