Al Bankolé “Feel”**
Hailing from London’s Camden neighborhood, everything about incoming house producer Al Bankolé‘s “Feel” seems to […]

Hailing from London’s Camden neighborhood, everything about incoming house producer Al Bankolé‘s “Feel” seems to serve as an introduction. Bankolé, in addition to being a former radio host and psychology graduate, hails from the small Velvet Tux collective, a crew of self-described “douchebags that love music and food.” Now that it’s been established that Bankolé is a chill dude, how’s the tune? “Feel” picks up a three-chord sequence from the outset and runs free with it, keeping the track sparse until a surprise change-up hits at the three-minute mark, reconfiguring the whole track from a tough shuffle to a pleasing anthem. While there is not much information floating around about the producer just yet, there is a release confirmed for July, with details to be announced soon. Either way, if “Feel” is simply Bankolé’s introduction, it should be exciting to see what else the budding talent has in store.