Cassian “Final Round”
There’s something to be said for disco’s staying power. The genre is basically 30 years […]

There’s something to be said for disco’s staying power. The genre is basically 30 years past its heyday, yet high-quality new disco tracks continue to worm their way on to dancefloors around the globe. Take “Final Round” from Australian producer Cassian, which marries disco beats with sleazy ’80s wah-wah synths and sound effects from Street Fighter II. Taken from the freshly released Friday Night EP, “Final Round” is something like an updated version of the Out Run soundtrack (vintage gamer nerds know what we’re talking about), the kind of breezy cut that’s perfect for an afternoon spent shut away in your bedroom while you sharpen your hand-eye coordination, periodically throw the controller against the wall, and subsequently apologize to your mom when she hears you screaming at the TV.