Cosmic Kids “Higgs Boson”*Let’s Play House*
Los Angeles-based duo Cosmic Kids (a.ka. Ron Poznansky and Daniel Terndrup) recently teamed up with […]

Los Angeles-based duo Cosmic Kids (a.ka. Ron Poznansky and Daniel Terndrup) recently teamed up with fellow SoCal native Fingerpaint on a 12″ for Let’s Play House. Called Reality on the Horizon, the EP features one collaborative track and some solo outings from each production outfit. Cosmic Kids’ “Higgs Boson” opens up the record’s b-side with a warm bed of euphoric synthesizers before locking into a mellow bounce that endures tirelessly for the tune’s seven minutes. The pair also stuffs its latest production with a wealth of hidden details: Synthesized strings, bells, and other flourishes (including an expertly employed Zombies sample) all swirl around underneath the pulsing rhythms. Reality on the Horizon is out now on vinyl, with a digital release due on April 7. Previews of each track can be found after the jump.