Machines in Heaven “Hindu Milk (Debukas Remix)”
Earlier this month, Glasgow trio Machines in Heaven dropped the Hindu Milk EP (artwork above), […]

Earlier this month, Glasgow trio Machines in Heaven dropped the Hindu Milk EP (artwork above), a five-track effort which explored a number of (mostly instrumental) electronic and pop hybrids. To coincide with the release, Machines in Heaven has tapped fellow Glaswegian talent Debukas to remix the EP’s title track, the results of which are featured here. A wistful, M83-esque affair, Debukas reshapes “Hindu Milk” into a more club-appropriate outing, placing a thick bassline beneath the array of warm chords and sprightly melodic content which Debukas repurposes from Machines in Heaven’s original track. Debukas’ rework can be grabbed below, while a full stream of Machines in Heaven’s Hindu Milk EP can be found after the jump.