Gyptian “Hold Yuh (Major Lazer Remix)”
Gyptian‘s “Hold Yuh” is arguably the biggest dancehall tune of 2010, so the recent rash […]

Gyptian‘s “Hold Yuh” is arguably the biggest dancehall tune of 2010, so the recent rash of reworks isn’t exactly surprising. A few weeks back we posted a bumping tropical bass version courtesy of Los Rakas and Uproot Andy, and now we’ve got our mitts on this Major Lazer remix. It appears that Diplo and Switch have taken the song’s infectious piano melodies and run them through the Robin S. “Show Me Love” machine. The result definitely skews toward the heyday of girls in bicycle shorts shaking it on MTV’s The Grind, not that we’re mad at that. Speaking of mad, Diplo was a little perturbed by our recent commentary on his collaboration with TiĆ«sto. Can we just hug it out dude? Don’t you see? We like you, we really like you! (via Pitchfork)