How to Dress Well “& It Was U (Kid Smpl Remix)”**
Since serving as the lead single for the Total Loss LP last year, How to […]

Since serving as the lead single for the Total Loss LP last year, How to Dress Well‘s “& It Was U” has been no stranger to remixes, both official and unofficial. Falling under the latter category, Seattle’s Kid Simpl (pictured above)—an artist we profiled back in January during our Bubblin’ Up week—has decided to share his own rework of the HTDW tune, drowning the original’s lofty vocals amongst a neverending sea of glacial pads and waterlogged synth tones. In all honesty, Kid Smpl could probably have used any number of acapellas here and achieved just about the same effect, but utilizing How To Dress Well’s gorgeous falsetto certainly isn’t a bad choice when it comes to source material.