Vosper & Bozzwell “Music for the Lost and Dead (Matt Walsh Remix)”*Throne of Blood*
Londoner Matt Walsh hasn’t always been into house. His bio over on SoundCloud lovingly looks […]

Londoner Matt Walsh hasn’t always been into house. His bio over on SoundCloud lovingly looks back on “being the only indie kid” at prog-house nights, and being continuously ejected from venues for having the gall to wear shoes to them. As his ears and age advanced, however, he has come to find house music as a sort of “middle ground,” segueing into a commitment to the scene (having curated his own label Clouded Vision) and his own evolving solo productions. New York-based label Throne of Blood recently reached out to Walsh for this remix of Vosper & Bozzwell‘s twilight-tinged “Music for the Love and Dead,” and while it’s easy to say Walsh’s remix is an exciting listen, it doesn’t do the small details justice. On his version, the producer dismantles the original track’s backdrop, leaving only a small portion of the original vocals to vibe in the background as tightly sequenced kicks and swirling keyboards gel together. “Music for the Lost and Dead (Matt Walsh Remix)” closes out Vosper & Bozzwell’s recently released 12″, the rest of which can be previewed after the jump.