Orbital “Never”
Veteran electronic duo Orbital unexpectedly offered up a new song yesterday, reportedly in preparation for […]

Veteran electronic duo Orbital unexpectedly offered up a new song yesterday, reportedly in preparation for a new album that’s on the way in 2012, the pair’s first since 2004. “Never” starts out in serene fashion, rolling out some plinky keys and dreamily tweaked vocal snippets, the whole thing bathed in a warm sonic haze. It’s enough to make you fondly remember classic tunes like “Chime,” “Halcyon + On + On,” and “The Box,” and think, “You know, Orbital used to be pretty rad, maybe they’ve still got it.” Unfortunately though, all that nostalgic whimsy quickly goes down the tubes at the 2:12 mark, when the song’s drop hits and a sea of mediocre, electro-ish synths and a limp kick drum take over the track. Oh well. (via Pitchfork)