Pop Levi “Never Never Love”
Given that he’s ex-bassist of Ladytron, the electroclash dark horse of Europe, it’s surprising that […]

Given that he’s ex-bassist of Ladytron, the electroclash dark horse of Europe, it’s surprising that Pop Levi would come up with an effervescent album about falling in love. “Never Never Love,” off of his second full-length of the same name, opens with a Missy Elliot-style beat that bumps right into Levi’s electrified falsetto vocal staccatos. His light lyrics (“Never never love love love, never never love love love“) bounce teasingly through a sweet melody peppered with hand-claps, bubbles, and edgy rock guitars. Flamboyant and fun—it’s enough to make a Wham! album jealous. Lulu McAllister