Wildlife! “Oh Bondage! Up Yours! (Ital Tek Remix)”*PHREE *
Ital Tek (a.k.a. Alan Myson, pictured above) has proven to be a prolific producer—the UK […]

Ital Tek (a.k.a. Alan Myson, pictured above) has proven to be a prolific producer—the UK tunesmith seems guaranteed to always have a new release or remix in the works. Following this year’s Hyper Real EP on Civil Music, Myson has quickly turned his talents to his remix duties, here warping dubstep producer Wildlife!‘s sparse cover of “Oh Bondage! Up Yours!” by X-Ray Spex into an entirely new form. Despite lifting the majority of the original track’s DNA, Ital Tek’s take results in a much different tune, one stripped of the original’s reggae influence almost completely and focused on skittering drums and furious low-end to augment the rework’s ensuing synth free-for-all. There is quite a few left turns crammed into the track’s four-minute run, including some downright weird chord changes that are enough to give the listener pause. Ital Tek’s remix will serve as the lead track on the Roxy Reboot Remixed EP when it drops via PHREE on May 20.