LDFD “Outtacontrol (DJ Clap Remix)”
Just last month, the young Texan producer LDFD dropped his debut EP, Outtracontrol (artwork above), […]

Just last month, the young Texan producer LDFD dropped his debut EP, Outtracontrol (artwork above), for Daedelus’ Magical Properties imprint. Now the title track from that release has been given a reworking thanks to another young producer from the Southern half of the US, Arizona’s DJ Clap, who’s been busy putting together a nice catalogue of footwork-leaning tracks for the past few years. If this remix is any indication, DJ Clap makes footwork tracks like The Field used to make techno tracks—melodicly rich, super repetitive, chopped to all hell, and bizarrely catchy. Is Arizona the new home of burgeoning footwork? No, probably not, but DJ Clap has definitely soaked up some distinct influences and turned them into something rather intriguing.