Cream Dream “Paradiso”*Crash Symbols*
Cream Dream is the chosen moniker of Long Island-based designer/producer Teddy Ouwerkerk. As Cream Dream, […]

Cream Dream is the chosen moniker of Long Island-based designer/producer Teddy Ouwerkerk. As Cream Dream, Ouwerkerk has put together a steady output of soul-tinged, retro-loving productions on a number of under-the-radar EPs as well as a free-to-download LP which dropped last summer. Now, Cream Dream’s earlier efforts have been pulled together for Collected, a 15-track cassette compiled by West Virginia’s Crash Symbols label. “Pardiso” serves as the tape’s opening cut—a five-plus minute excercise in edited disco, reinforced with a new set of drums and finished off with just the right touch of slippery funk.