No Regular Play “Rain (All Day)”
Brooklyn duo No Regular Play has been making waves over the past few years, largely […]

Brooklyn duo No Regular Play has been making waves over the past few years, largely due to its association with the Wolf + Lamb imprint, for whom the pair dropped a handful of crisp houseproductions and performed countless early-morning live sets at the label’s residency at the Marcy Hotel. The group has put together a new stormer as part of the inaugural 12″ release for Cut Mistake Music, a new, NYC-based imprint. This deep-house cut, a staple of No Regular Play’s live sets for some time, features clean, bassline-centric production that broods along for nearly eight minutes. The track invokes the classic house trope of organ stabs, but here, the sounds feel idiosyncratic and fresh; the Brooklynites aren’t just employing early-’90s-Korg M1 nostalgia.