Drugg “Shackled”
If you’re just going to go ahead and call your band Drugg, you had better […]

If you’re just going to go ahead and call your band Drugg, you had better make damn sure that your music sounds at least remotely trippy. Thankfully, this London-based outfit doesn’t disappoint, and delivers quite the array of pill-driven, psychedelic soundscapes on its debut EP, Shackled. The title track, which we have for download here, even goes one step further—coalescing some of our favorite musical styles as of late into one warbling explosion of textured atmosphere and hypnotic beat work. Drugg boasts the droney, effects-soaked vocal delivery of Panda Bear, the warm tape fuzz of Matthewdavid, the tweaked live instrumentation of Sun Araw, the swirling sample play of (enter name of any artist making contemporary electronic music here), and the downtrodden, lo-fi moods of Forest Swords. What that all adds up to is pretty great, and you can hear more examples of that satisfyingly trippy sound on Drugg’s Bandcamp, too. And don’t skip the equally mind-expanding video for “Shackled,” which you can view after the jump.