Beautiful Bells “Southern Suite C (Spirituals Remix)”
Here, Portland tunesmith Tyler Tadlock (a.k.a. Spirituals) has delivered a preciously glitched-out remix of “Southern […]

Here, Portland tunesmith Tyler Tadlock (a.k.a. Spirituals) has delivered a preciously glitched-out remix of “Southern Suite C” by Moodgadget-signed producer Beautiful Bells (pictured above). What was originally an overwhelming bit of sub-heavy rhythms and churning audio shards has become something more serene and melodious, though equally full of sonic fragments. Spirituals creates a lush soundscape of skipping samples, bubbling atmosphere, and thick low-end tones for a minute and a half before introducing the skittering beat that carries the remainder of his version of “Southern Suite C,” and travels even further down the path of playful, glitchy electronica à la Nobukazu Takemura or Oval (maybe even Four Tet) for its remaining six minutes.