DATALOG “Sumingashi II”**
The cool chords and easy flow that opens “Sumingashi II” is a bit deceiving; one […]

The cool chords and easy flow that opens “Sumingashi II” is a bit deceiving; one expects some Balearic percussion or sun-kissed melodies to join the breezy procession at any moment, but they never come. Instead, Conor Heffernan (a.k.a. DATALOG) piles refracted samples and tasteful bits of abstract electronics on top of his alluring backdrop, sneaking in just enough leftfield sensibility to keep the production interesting without losing the bounce underneath. “Sumingashi II” is the first cut to surface from DATALOG’s forthcoming HAARP EP, which Heffernan will self-release on May 28. Before then, he’s offered up a brief preview of the rest of EP, which can be heard via the player included after the jump.