Computer Jay “Sundial Meltdown (feat. Gaslamp Killer)”**
On the one hand, “Sundial Meltdown” is Computer Jay‘s collaborative new single with Low End […]

On the one hand, “Sundial Meltdown” is Computer Jay‘s collaborative new single with Low End Theory luminary Gaslamp Killer, and both of them obviously deserve credit for their work. But after giving the tune a spin, it’s hard not to feel like whatever computer/synth/piece of 8-bit equipment spit out the breakneck arppegio which leads the track’s two-and-a-half minute run deserves a feature credit here too. Above the miniature, videogame boom-bap beat, the bit-crushed melody sequence runs free except for a few brief moments where its single-note lattice is exchanged for that of rich chords. The tune serves as the first single to emerge from Computer Jay’s forthcoming Savage Planet Discotheque Vol. #2, due out sometime this spring.