Grampall Jookabox “The Girl Ain’t Preggers”
Asthmatic Kitty’s newest signee comes in the form of Indianapolis-native David “Moose” Adamson, and just […]

Asthmatic Kitty’s newest signee comes in the form of Indianapolis-native David “Moose” Adamson, and just like the name of his Grampall Jookabox moniker (meant, apparently, to sound like a child slurring its words), the producer and songwriter has a taste for idiosyncrasy and off-kilter musical arrangements. This track might start off with a straightforward, chugging indie-rock guitar chord, but Adamson is quick to incorporate disparate rhythms made by triangles, tambourines, and kick drums, add some vaguely Arabic vocal chants, and drench his lyrical content in gallons of reverb.