Throwing Snow “Un Vingt (Greymatter Remix)”
UK producers Throwing Snow (pictured above) and Greymatter seem to really enjoy remixing each other’s […]

UK producers Throwing Snow (pictured above) and Greymatter seem to really enjoy remixing each other’s material, and with good reason: It all turns out sounding quite excellent. The latest tune to come from that fruitful trade-off is this version of Throwing Snow’s “Un Vingt” single, reworked by his counterpart for a forthcoming, two-volume remix record, which will also include the likes of George Fitzgerlad, Ital Tek, d’Eon, and others (listen to clips here and here). The resulting production is a thick, slow-brewing blend of shuffling club beats, spacey atmospheres, and soulful melodies that could just as easily fit into Hotflush’s release schedule as it could your next late-night-comedown DJ set. Look for Greymatter’s version of “Un Vingt,” along with the original Throwing Snow tracks and other remixes, when it’s all made available for digital download March 14.