CutOff!CutOff! “Would”
Earlier this month, the fledgling Exposure imprint issued its fourth release in the form of […]

Earlier this month, the fledgling Exposure imprint issued its fourth release in the form of the Limits of Design EP from CutOff!CutOff!, a “Berlin-based live act.” Serving as the outfit’s debut release, the new EP offers a pair of original tunes from CutOff!CutOff! along with remixes from Essáy, ENNIO, and Pathetic Waste of Talent. The lively “Would” comes as a bonus track to Limits of Design, and finds CutOff!CutOff! blending together a number of subtle synths and chopped vocals over a laid-back house beat. The five-minute affair slowly develops into a more lattice-like arrangement, with its many melodic elements piling on each other to create new patterns as sparse FX and tuned percussion fill out the tune’s rhythmic backbone.