My Dry Wet Mess “Yours Truly”
Listen: We are absolutely tired of wobble bass. That particular treatment to low-end melodies has […]

Listen: We are absolutely tired of wobble bass. That particular treatment to low-end melodies has been so overdone, it’s now a running joke of sorts here at XLR8R HQ. That being said, Barcelona’s My Dry Wet Mess has somehow breathed new life into the sound on this first leak from his forthcoming debut full-length for Magical Properties, Irrational Alphabet. But it’s only because he doesn’t use his ‘wobble wobble wobble’ to incite bro-steppers; the audio/visual artist instead treats the bassline like a smooth, soulful rhythm for this R&B-infused track. “Yours Truly” is bolstered further with ethereal bits of lilting atmosphere, subtle synth melodies, and an eventual flip that transforms the number from ‘bedroom booty music’ into a four-on-the-floor dance tune and back again. You can catch more My Dry Wet Mess pre-release goodness in the form of a mixtape and album trailer. (via Yours Truly)
Irrational Alphabet will be released on October 26.