Paul Rose (a.k.a. Scuba) has just released a new video for “All I Think About Is Death,” a cut from his latest album on Hotflush, Claustrophobia. The video is directed by Sam Geer and is an otherworldly, hallucinogenic journey through the eyes of an unknown female protagonist. You can check the video out below, with Scuba’s April tour dates.

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THU 02Goa Club, Rome, Italy

FRI 03Dude Club, Milano, Italy

SAT 04Electron Festival, Geneva, Switzerland

SUN 05 DGTL Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands

FRI 10Nitsa, Barcelona, Spain

SAT 11Mondo Club, Madrid, Spain

FRI 17CONCRETE, Paris, France

SAT 18Publico, Stockholm, Sweden

FRI 24Lux Fragil, Lisbon, Portugal

SAT 25Kozzmozz, Ghent, Belgium