Cosmin TRG Remixed by Lucy and Minor Science
'Oblic / Serpenti Remixes' is scheduled for September 16 release Fizic.

The fifth instalment of Cosmin TRG’s Fizic label comes in the shape of two by Lucy and Minor Science.
Lucy, whose studio we recently visited, takes “Serpenti,” while “Oblic” gets reinterpreted by Minor Science. The result is a hyper-modern excursion with deep fluid bass drums, expert percussion and soaring synths.
The artwork was designed by Cosmin TRG himself.
A / 01. Serpenti (Remixed by Lucy)
B / 02. Oblic (Minor Science’s Non-Newtonian Fluid Mix)
Cosmin, this upcoming remix EP is the first time you have invited other artists to your imprint. Is there any reason you chose Lucy and Minor Science?
I reached out to Lucy and Minor Science first and foremost because I admire their unique respective voices and how they carved their own sound. I think Lucy and I share a similar interest in texture and ambience, how they work in a groove, and the atmosphere they create. Minor Science has this really modern, non-formulaic approach that’s very fresh and irreverent. All these key words inform the Fizic ethos, which is to explore and express. I started the label as an outlet for my own ideas in music and art, but I’m slowly opening it to other artists with whom I feel a strong connection.
You designed the artwork for the release, what are the aesthetics and concepts you are developing and how you relate them to the label? What techniques did you use for the cover?
Each cover attempts to add a visual layer to the music, so in a sense they are an extension of the sound. 01 and 02 were photographs of angular, brutalist man-made structures which don’t serve their initial function any more, putting them in a brand new, monumental context. While the first two EPs played on structure and shape, 03 and 04 went towards the evocative medium of color and texture by using various painting and drawing techniques. Finally, on this remix EP, both artists were drawn towards patterns, texture and symmetry so I went for a hybrid of photography and painting: I used plastic, paint and lighting to evoke the ideas that inspired both Lucy and Minor Science in their interpretations.
Minor Science, let’s talk about your Non-Newtonian Fluid Mix? How were you able to work your signature sound into the original track?
Well, to explain the subtitle: when you type “Oblic” into YouTube you find a bunch of people misspelling “oobleck”, a word from Dr. Suess which somehow got attached to a substance US kids make in science lessons out of cornstarch and water. (The voice in the track is from one of these “how to make oobleck” demo vids.) It’s a “non-newtonian” fluid because it changes viscosity depending on the amount of force you apply to it, meaning it splats and dribbles weirdly when you play around with it. This seemed to fit the way I had treated the original track, which was to send bits of it through a sort of network of delays, vocoder plugins and cheap guitar pedal compressors to make these gloopy semi-liquid textures. I then put loads of other stuff on top, but that’s the spine of the track. If I have a signature sound then I guess it comes from obsessing over a handful of techniques which maybe aren’t broadly used, and the cheap guitar pedal thing is one of those techniques.
Oblic / Serpenti Remixes is scheduled for September 16 release Fizic.