5 days to CMJ!
Now in its 26th year, New York’s annual CMJ Marathon is set to kick off […]

Now in its 26th year, New York’s annual CMJ Marathon is set to kick off on October 31 at Lincoln Center. A few weeks ago XLR8R looked at this year’s panels, which include Chuck D, Steve Earle, a guru’s guide to the latest music technology, and a chat with Hilly Kristal, founder of the legendary and recently closed CBGBs.
In addition to panels, one of the best things about CMJ are the showcases. Bands this year include The Knife, CSS, Figurines, Girl Talk, Hot Chip, 120 Days, The Album Leaf, The Shins, Deerhoof, Saul Williams, Alarm Will Sound, CX Kidronik, Peanut Butter Wolf, and so many more you should just visit the showcase part of the site yourself for a full lineup and schedule.
Also not to be missed is the CMJ FilmFest, featuring a special guest appearance by Borat and advance screenings of several films.
Pre-registration ends this Friday, October 27 at midnight. CMJ runs Tuesday, October 31 – Saturday, November 4, 2006.