Activate Is Back
If you haven’t shelved the entire election 2004 season somewhere in the back of your […]

If you haven’t shelved the entire election 2004 season somewhere in the back of your mind as a distant and painful memory, then you might recall Activate. The newsletter, created by the masterminds behind culture blog Flavorpill, brought current events–mostly centered around the upcoming election–to subscribers’ inboxes once a week, and provided an easy way for very busy people to stay up to date.
The folks at Activate are back, with a weekly roundup of world news for you now available on a regular basis. Sections cover politics, business, science, and some interesting tidbits about transexual hens and police in pursuit of stolen donut trucks. So even if reading the news isn’t your thing, you can at least expect some laughs to come the way of your inbox once a week.