Blackdown Takes on Disclosure
In a post on his blog, London journalist, DJ, producer, and Keysound label head Martin […]

In a post on his blog, London journalist, DJ, producer, and Keysound label head Martin Clark (a.k.a. Blackdown) takes issue with some remarks Disclosure made in a recent interview with the Guardian. In particular, Clark finds Guy and Howard Lawrence’s outlook on the current state of popular music “really depressing,” making the case that the brotherly duo see the commercial music world as an “It’s us or a shit thing” scenario. And while Clark rightly feels that there is much more grey area to be considered, it seems like he may just be butting against the kind of black-and-white statements many 19- and 22-year-olds—the respective ages of the brotherly duo—are apt to make about music and popular culture. Clark nonetheless uses the article to springboard into a larger discussion about the longevity and cultural importance of what he deems “vital” music, which all makes for an interesting read. Clark’s full blog post can be found here; Disclosure’s debut LP, Settle, is due on June 3.