Caterina Barbieri Reveals the ‘Sister Album’ to 2019’s ‘Ecstatic Computation’
'Myuthafoo' LP is scheduled for June 16 release.

Caterina Barbieri will release a new album in June.
Baribieri wrote Myuthafoo in 2019 at the same time as Ecstatic Computation, which she released on Editions Mego in March. She regards it as a sister album.
Both albums are based on creative sequencing processes that playfully unravel Barbieri’s deep-rooted interest in time, space, memory, and emotion. Barbieri had been touring excessively at the time, and her process began to shift in response to that nomadic energy. Using the Orthogonal ER-101 modular sequencer, Barbieri manually programmed patterns into the device and fed them into her arsenal of noise generators, trialling different combinations at each show.
Barbieri has spent the best part of a decade breaking apart the rigid structures of electronic music. In 2017, she released Patterns of Consciousness, a fusion of minimalism and trance-inducing synth experimentation, on Important Records.
01. Memory Leak
02. Math of You
03. Myuthafoo
04. Alphabet Of Light
05. Sufyosowirl
06. Swirls Of You
Myuthafoo LP is scheduled for June 16 release. Meanwhile, you can stream “Math of You” in full below and pre-order here.

Photo: Camille Blake