Clinic, Junior Boys on Domino Comp
Ah, family drama. Dead mothers, suspect step-parents, and fleeing one’s relatives make up the subject […]

Ah, family drama. Dead mothers, suspect step-parents, and fleeing one’s relatives make up the subject matter of British indie flick Hallam Foe, which has already made the rounds in Europe and will be released in the U.S. on September 5 (under the name Mister Foe).
Besides featuring a cast of top-shelf actors (including Billy Elliott‘s Jamie Bell, all grown up), the film also boasts a soundtrack scored entirely by the Domino Records roster, with the Junior Boys, Clinic, Hood, Sons and Daughters, and more all contributing tracks to the project, along with a brand-new song that the boys in Franz Ferdinand wrote specifically for the film. The movie has already won the Berlin Film Festival’s award for Best Music in a Film, so pick this one up on September 9 and peep the trailer for a glimpse of the film.
Hallam Foe
01 Orange Juice “Blue Boy”
02 U.N.P.O.C. “Here On My Own”
03 King Creosote “The Someone Else”
04 Sons And Daughters “Broken Bones”
05 Junior Boys “Double Shadow”
06 Clinic “If You Could Read Your Mind”
07 Future Pilot AKA “Battle At The Gates Of Dub”
08 Hood “Lines Low To Frozen Ground”
09 Franz Ferdinand “Hallam Foe Dandelion Blow”
10 Psapp “Tricycle”
11 James Yorkston And The Athletes “Surf Song”
12 Bill Wells Trio”Also In White”
13 Juana Molina “Salvese Quien Pueda”
14 Cinema “They Nicknamed Me Evil”
15 Woodbine “I Hope That You Get What You Want”
16 Movietone “Ocean Song”