Coney Art Walls Sundays Kicks Off This Weekend
Tony Humphries, Kevin Saunderson, Danny Krivit and Kim Ann Foxman are among the summer series' spinners.

Coney Art Walls is a pretty awe-inspiring project on its own: It’s a series of plus-size murals along the Brooklyn seaside—specifically, 1320 Bowery Street in Coney Island (right behind Nathan’s Famous, for those who know the hood)—featuring work from the graffiti-era notables like Lee Quiñones, Lady Pink, Crash, Daze, Futura and Kenny Scharf, slightly newer entities along the lines of as Shepard Fairey, Maya Hayuk and How & Nosm, and emerging artists such as Tatyana Fazlalizadeh and Lauren Halsey. But for lovers of house, disco and techno, the real appeal—at least on Sundays throughout the summer—is a series of throwdowns presented by Rong Music, with help from NYC promotion vet Benny Soto and longtime Nervous Records leader Michael Weiss. Curated by Rong’s own Jason “DJ Spun” Drummond, who performed the same duties for MoMA PS1’s epic Warm Up series for many years, the series kicks off this Sunday, June 21, with sets coming courtesy of the fabled Zanzibar resident Tony Humphries (pictured), Drummond, and the Discovery party’s Faso & Free Magic, along with the always-intriguing “special surprise guest.” Below, find a few more of the season’s highlights.

June 28 (Gay Pride weekend)
François K (Body & Soul, Deep Space)
Kim Ann Foxman (Firehouse, Mr. INTL)
Gavin Russom (The Crystal Ark, DFA)
July 5
Maurice Fulton (Running Back, DFA)
The Loose Control Band (LIVE, Golf Channel Recordings)
Alex From Tokyo (Tokyo Black Star, World Famous)
Sunshine Jones (Dubtribe, DJ Set)
July 27
718 Sessions with Danny Krivit
August 2
Dubtribe Sound System (LIVE)
August 16
Kenny Dope (Masters at Work)
Todd Terry (X-Mix)
Justin Vandervolgen (My Rules, Golf Channel Recordings)
August 23
Kevin Saunderson
Dantiez Saunderson
August 30
Intruder (Murk Records)